BREMEN is a band.

After the Flood

...and into the future

After a disastrous flood destroyed much of the musical gear and the practice room that Bryan Demory was using for another musical venture, he realized that he had to move forward, not back. He could only reminisce for so long on the great music made by the likes of Yesterday’s Boy, Big Boots, and Neon Kings, to name but a few of his earlier projects.

Bryan picked up the pieces and salvaged what he could. He contacted an old friend, bassist Gessner Harrison, and a drummer that he knew, Zack Bell. The three practiced in Bryan’s flat for quite a spell, recording and posting videos on YouTube, until they got their first few gigs in Staunton, VA sometime after that. Knowing that they would not be entirely complete without the addition of some more textures in their reverb drenched musical gauze, Bryan kept an ear out for that elusive 4th member of the band now known as Bremen

They found that 4th part in the person of Brooke Ritchie, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, to polish off the music they were writing. Adding just the right about of instrumental depth and ethereal vocals to the reverb wash that is taking the Virginia Music Scene by storm.

During the first part of 2024, Bremen had to sadly bid farewell to drummer Zach Bell for health reasons. After some due diligence, they realized that a major shift had to occur; wherein Gessner Harrison would return to his original instrument, the drums, and bassist. Edmond Marchetti took over for Gessner on the low end. They have already arranged a sets worth of material and have successfully  sold out Staunton’s Baja Bean in a show with the WaxBats

Having recently signed with Ranch Hand Records, Bremen is currently putting the finishing touches on their first (as yet untitled) album, due out in the third quarter of 2024. They have been seen playing significant sets at shows in Staunton, Lynchburg and their amazing set at the Fall Alt-Fest in Troy, VA.

The name Bremen comes from Bryan’s heritage back to Germany, besides being one of his favorite Brothers Grimm tales The Bremen Musicians -- his joke, as they were not really musicians, and neither is he.